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In the Middle of the Story

Ever find yourself in the middle of a story unsure of how it will all turn out?

That’s where I am right about now. I’m in the middle of several stories, and I don’t know the ending to any of them.

Most in evidence is the fact that I’m in the middle of an adventure in travel.

So far that trip has included Β . . .

planes, shuttle buses, and rental cars,
taking a friend to the ER and chasing after the ever-elusive American health care
business meetings, giving reports, and hearing some fine papers
reunions with friends, colored bubbles, three playgrounds in one day

live performances of . . .
Japanese drumming by Denver Taiko
passionate vocals, complex lyrics and a stunning performance by Mumford and Sons
and the jazz guitar of John Moulder who spoke of creative process and improvisation while amazing us with his own compositions

prayer and hospitality from with sisters of St. Benedict’s and the brothers of St. John’s

amazing conversation with pastoral theologians, seminary teachers, authors, pastors, and others with vocations too complex and interesting to be reduced to any one title or description

Still to come on this travel adventure?

intensive teaching, shared writing, more conversations, leading worship in chapel

and a U2 concert will welcome me back to Nashville in the end.

I’m really not sure what meanings will shine forth from this adventure. Β And I don’t know what else I’m yet to learn. . . . the mystery of it all. The beauty. The sacred presence enfolded into each turning and returning. Just waiting. And what will I notice? And what will I miss?

I’ll keep you posted as it emerges Β . . .